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Golf And Health Week At Stewart Golf

By Luke Cummins April 17, 2019

The first ever Golf and Health Week has started but Stewart Golf trolley owners don’t need telling how healthy playing golf can be: they see the benefits every time they go out onto the course.

The week of activities is being co-ordinated by the R&A with the support of the European Tour, the Ladies European Tour, the Golf Foundation, England Golf and all the UK and Ireland golf unions.

It aims to encourage golfers, lapsed golfers and non-golfers to take part in the sport.

The physical and mental benefits that golf brings are undeniable. A recent study in produced by the R&A, they found that we all walk much further than initially expected during a round of golf. Outside of the yardage differences across courses, there are other factors to consider such as distance between greens and tees, how much you zig-zag the course and how much searching you do for any lost balls.

During their test, the R&A found that golfers will add somewhere between 47% and 100% to the scorecard’s yardage: which means the Dukes Course at St Andrews could be a total walking distance of over eight and half miles if you aren’t the sweetest hitter.

With such distances, we know carrying a bag can really take a toll on the body and ultimately striking performance which is why we are such big supporters of trolleys. In our own recent survey, we found that 77% of users experienced less back and joint pain after moving to the X9 Follow.

We all play golf to de-stress and doing that well is great for mental health. Our survey highlighted that over 90% of X9 Follow owners feel more relaxed on the golf course when they use the X9 Follow.

Less time spent worrying about where they left their trolley because they know they can use the remote control to bring it to them wherever they are, and less time rushing because their trolley was always where they wanted it to be, all meant more time to concentrate on what they should have been concentrating on: playing their best golf.

More than 67% of our customers said their golf improved after buying their trolley – by three shots, in fact – and reduced stress plays a big part in that. One of the keys to handling stress is preparation, and 85% of the customers said owning a Stewart Golf electric trolley means they have more preparation time for each shot.

So what’s the moral of the story? It’s quite simple: get out on the course and make sure you walk. We also vote you do it with a Stewart Golf trolley…

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