It’s 9am on a particularly foggy January morning in Norfolk, as Josh Simpson flicks the switch on the kettle for his new guests.
Faithful four-legged companion, Timmy, is proudly showing off his toy to the three strange visitors to his home. “For an old boy (he’s now 14) he’s still got bags of energy” Josh tells us.
Like the spaniel, Josh will be hoping his energy reserves are long lasting, as (all being well weather wise) on Friday 24th January he sets out to break the world record for most 18-holes of golf played, at different courses, in a year.
The current record of 580, was set in 2023, by fellow Stewart Golf ambassador, Patrick Koenig. With Stewart set to support Josh on his quest for glory, we caught up with him at his home just before his final warm-up round at Hunstanton Golf Club (watch the full interview at the bottom of this page).
So Josh, why have you decided to take on this challenge? And why now?
Yeah, so I'm embarking on something quite crazy in the year ahead. Trying to break the world record. It's taken a lot of planning, a lot of deliberation, a lot of 'am I doing the right thing or not' moments, but we're through the worst of it now and I'm really excited to get going.
Last year we lost my mum, after a very short battle with lung cancer. I think that in general put everything into perspective. It really made me aware that life is short, and nothing is guaranteed. I really wanted todo something that made me happy. I was in a very stable job, but I wanted to do something I loved. Something that would push my boundaries, and at the same time give me the opportunity to raise as much money for charity, in memory of mum. So, that's the big underlying factor of the challenge.
I think if these last couple of years hadn't happened, I'd probably be doing the exact same thing as normal and just being on autopilot.

What made you decide to try and tackle this particular record?
The whole idea for the record kind of came about when I was driving over to the Netherlands early last year. I was with a friend who is very much a big brother figure for me, and on a long stretch from Calais to The Hague we got chatting, and I just said "one day I'd love to buy a motorhome and drive around just playing loads of golf." That's when he said "why not do it now? You're in a great moment in your life, in terms of responsibilities and your age." During that conversation I mentioned the record as well, and really from that point my mindset went from 'he's crazy' to slowly but surely thinking maybe it was something I could actually do.
As the year went on that thought got stronger and stronger, until I decided to properly look into the challenge. Let's see if it's financially viable, if it's logistically possible doing it in the UK - because Patrick broke the record in the US - so, obviously there are a few different challenges there that can present itself.

This is going to be a massive physical and mental challenge isn't it?
Yeah, I think a lot of people will look at it and say ‘Josh you’re living the dream, playing golf every day. What’s not to like?’
For sure, it's a little more complex than that. Especially when you factor in living in the motorhome for a year, the travel and logistics, plus a lot of 36-hole days. That brings in a fatigue element. So, the reality is probably not going to be that luxurious, but it's still better than being in a nine-to-five job. There are definitely a few perks to it, but on the flip side it's not going to be easy.
You're going to get your steps in that's for sure!
Someone actually said to me that the minimum distance I’ll be walking adds up to over 70 marathons. To be honest I wish they hadn't!

Have you reached out to the previous record holders for any advice?
I spoke to Patrick last year and picked his brains really on the logistics of the challenge. Jonathon, who held the record before Patrick, I spoke to not so long ago as well, and both of them have been absolutely incredible. Both have been very receptive, I think some guy coming from England and saying "I'm going to try and beat your record" could go one of two ways, but they've been brilliant and really tried to support and egg me on to get the record.
What made you reach out to Stewart?
I think Stewart Golf is a fantastic company to partner with, and obviously I saw Patrick and his record and everything Stewart did to help him. Normally I'd carry, I think I probably carry all the rounds I play. But for something like this, it's just not feasible. I mentioned before that marathon stat. It's something like 3.5million yards, and that's if I'm middling the fairway every hole. Having a set of clubs on your back for that amount of time, I probably wouldn't have a back left at the end of it. So, I definitely needed some help and Stewart Golf provided an incredible opportunity to really get involved , and to provide me with something that's not only high quality, but is just so easy to use as well.

Interview complete. We took the short drive to Hunstanton, where Josh met up with friend Lewis, for what was his final practice round.
With the wind whipping in off the North Sea and temperatures barely raising themselves above zero, the main obstacle to completing the challenge in Britain is abundantly clear. However, with the support of friends, family and the golfing community at large (mixed with a healthy dose of obsession, that any true golfer can identify with), you certainly wouldn't bet against Josh being the latest to hold this world record.
How you can support Josh
Throughout his record attempt, Josh will be raising as much money as possible for two charities close to his heart. Tapping House and Macmillan Cancer Research. You can help support Josh and these two fantastic causes by donating to the challenge on his website gingergolf.co.uk.
You can also track his progress, including how many courses he's completed on his website and on Instagram at @ginger.golf.
Watch our 'Chasing The Record' film